Your First Visit

When you first arrive at our office you will be greeted by one of our friendly staff Julie or Meaghan. If you have not already done so you, will be asked to fill out our New Patient Intake Form or Child History Form. These forms ask a lot of questions about your current health history and past medical history. This information allows us to get a clear picture of your current state of health and will help guide us in providing you with the highest quality care. At our office we are focused on finding the cause of your health problems not merely treating the symptoms.

Next, you will be approached by our highly trained chiropractic assistant Julie. Julie will give you a quick tour of the office, and then take you into the assessment room. You will then watch a quick introduction video about what chiropractic care is all about. Next you will be introduced to Dr. Landriault or Dr. Preston and they will sit down with you and perform a thorough history and determine your current health goals.

Now it will be time for the physical assessment part of your visit. The first part will be done by Dr. Landriault or Dr. Preston as they will assess your posture, joints, and perform tests to determine how well your body is functioning.

Based on the physical assessment findings Dr. Landriault or Dr. Preston will recommend a series of scans and/or take x-rays if needed.

The scans consist of three parts: the heart rate variability, the thermal (skin temperature) and the surface EMG (muscles). The scans are non-invasive and take about 15 minutes to complete. This technology is certified by the Space Foundation and was originally created to measure the gravitational effect on the spines of space shuttle astronauts. This validated and evidence-based technology allows us to objectively identify unmanaged stress patterns in the muscles, joints, and nerves. Just like your medical doctor depends on technology to perform tests (blood, urine, mammograms) we as chiropractors depend on the insight to be able to confidently determine if your nervous system is functioning optimally.

If necessary, x-rays may be taken. We have the capacity of being able to take x-rays within our office.

At the end of the first visit you may receive a chiropractic adjustment. This is determined by Dr. Landriault or Dr. Preston

Our new patient assessment takes about an 45 minutes to complete. We pride ourselves in being thorough and making sure we find out exactly what is causing your current problems.

Your Second Visit:

During the second visit or like what we like to call the Report of Findings Dr. Landriault or Dr. Preston will sit down with you and go through all your results from the first visit. They will explain what chiropractic is, how chiropractic can help you, the best recommendations, and answer any questions you may have.

You will also be given some home care recommendations which can include pain relieving advice (ice or heat), stretches, nutritional advice or supplement suggestions and exercises. You will then receive a chiropractic adjustment.

The second visit normally takes 30 minutes to complete.

Call (705) 494-8077 for an appointment today!