What is GROWCO rehab?

These small group classes are lead by Dr. Preston and are evidence based. This Rehabilitation is targeted to help restore your total body but specially focusing on your pelvic floor, core and gluteal muscles. These 3 muscle groups are the ones affected the most by pregnancy and labour.

It is an 8 session program with classes twice a week over a one month period. Classes are one hour in length and will include education, breath work, stretching and strengthening while focusing on supporting all mamas body and mind.

Due to COVID these sessions will be done live from the comfort of your own home via Zoom.

Who should consider postpartum rehab?

Simple – all mamas!

There is a gap in our health care system when it comes to postpartum mamas but that doesn’t mean moms should have to worry every time they jump, laugh or sneeze.

If you have had a baby you should consider incorporating postpartum rehabilitation into your healing process. Your body has undergone tremendous changes and stress, regardless if your delivery was vaginal or c-section. It is so important that your core and pelvic floor function are fully restored.

Some things you may have noticed with your body since birth may be recurrent low back pain, inability to control your bladder or separation of your abdominal muscles. All these conditions are not uncommon and can benefit from postpartum rehab.

Book a postpartum assessment with Dr. Preston today to determine if GROWCO may be a fit for you.

P.S.-These classes are family-friendly and we understand it can be overwhelming to take time away from your children. We always welcome children to attend class with mom if needed.

Contact us about the next Available GROWCO Session!

To inquire about Dr Preston’s Growco program, fill out the form below: